Prusa i3 Octoprint Raspberry Pi3 and Pi4 embeded Einsy case

Inspired by this from @Ystrouzas I took the time to modify the original OpenSCAD files from Prusa, you have variable…
updated January 24, 2021



Update: Febuary 10th 2022, added a setting to print the original case and stl without the Raspberry Pi cut-out.

Because of power issues when using power from the MK3 board, I have changed to an external case hooked to the frame just below the case the advantages are :

  • Standard OctoPi Config no Serial Port modification needed.
  • Access to the SD Card when updates needs it.
  • Power plug accessible.
  • Better routing of cables.
  • No need to put the printer on higher stands, standard feets works.

It needs :

  • 2x M5 Trap nuts
  • 2x M5 Hex 8mm long bolts
  • Small USB cable to connect to the MK3

Print with 4 or 6 walls for better screw support.



Inspired by this from @Ystrouzas I took the time to modify the original OpenSCAD files from Prusa, you have variable "RaspberryType" at the top of the .scad file that specify which version fo the Pi you want.

I also included .gcode files for a Prusa MK3S and .3mf project for your slicer.

Printed in PETG

I also have a Github of the mods I did fork from Prusa:

Frank's 3D Shop Github Link.

This is a remix from

P.S: I did not test this version with reinforcements at the bottom, and I did not test the Pi 4 version I went from sizes found on Raspberry Pi website.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.


Highlighted models from creator

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