Mighty Mansions of Madness Organizer - Trays

An organizer for the board game Mansions of Madness (2nd edition)
updated November 5, 2023



This is my first 3D design and the first large project I have printed. It is an organizer/insert for the board game Mansions of Madness (2nd ed) with all its expansions (including Recurring Nightmares and Suppressed Memories) fitting sleeved cards.

I have designed this with the following goals in mind:

  • Everything must fit into the core box and the 3 expansions boxes (Streets of Arkham, Horrific Journes and Path of the Serpent).
  • Setup must be as fast as possible, which means
    • no plastic bags and
    • all cards and tokens sorted and ready to play.

The idea for storing the investigators is from Tibor555 (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4788727). I have used the same concept to also store the monster figures. The thematic bases for the monsters showing also the monster stats can be found here.

The card trays are large enough to hold sleeved cards. I'm using Swan Panasia premium sleeves but GameGenic should fit as well.

The room tile holders have been split into 3 or 4 parts so that they fit on a 200x200 mm print bed. The interlocks are quite strong but I would still suggest to use some glue to hold them together. If you have a larger print bed, you can use the single piece tile holders instead.

The contents of the boxes is as follows:

Core box:

Holds all investigators in two trays. Beneath are most of the room tiles except the ones with the Recurring Nightmares (1st ed) and Forbidden Alchemy icons. The Dunwich Horror monster is in the core box as well since it is too large to fit the other boxes (regardless of its orientation). The investigator cards and the person tokens are in the core box as well. On top there is enough space for storing all rule sheets.

Card and token box:

One expansion box holds most of the cards and the tokens. The Agenda, Insane, Damage, Horror and Item cards each have their own spaces in the trays to keep them sorted. The Spell, Elixir and Condition cards are separated by name and kept standing in the trays. Since they are easily accessible there is no need for searching during
the game.
The tokens are sorted by their types as well. The lid of the token box has a support structure to keep the tokens in place even if the box is turned upside down or stored vertically. The tiles from Recurring Nightmares and Forbidden Alchemy go on top of the cards and tokens.

Monster Box 1 and 2:

These boxes hold all monsters except the Dunwich Horror monster, which has to be stored in the core box due to its size.

The trays all have lids or sit flush with the lid of the boxes, which allows for vertical storage as well.

The file names end in "_1x" or "_2x" encoding how often you should print that object. Most things are only needed once but investigator holder, for example, have to be printed twice.


Edit 2023-03-10: Some people have reported that recent investigator figures do not fit the investigator holder. I have modified the holder and uploaded a new version (InvestigatorHolder_ThickBases_2x.stl). If the holder is still too small, leave a comment so that I can fix it.


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
